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How to stop outdoor drain foaming bubbles

How can I stop my outdoor drain foaming bubbles when draining a bubble bath?

I have cleaned out the drain in case there were blockages. It improved the situation but did not fix it completely.

4 Answers from MyBuilder Plumbers

Best Answer

In my experience this is a normal occurance in the sense all that you are doing is transferring a volume of soapy water from one location to another and as ling as you have agitation you will get bubbles, all I can suggest if you aren't prepared to wait for the bubbles to dissipate by themselves is to sprinkle some salt on them.


Answered 16th Feb 2020

Try taking the waste pipe below water level in gulley


Answered 18th Feb 2020

It depends on 2 things. The depth and flow of your external trap, and the amount of bubbles you use. Also, you could consider installing a longer vertical pipe, so that it delivers the waste straight into the trap, below water level. I think maybe if the water is falling out of the pipe then it's creating new bubbles in the trap as it lands in the soapy waste water, same as what happens from tap to bathwater. If it went direct into the trap water, it may not do this. Think of putting the shower hose below water level when filling the bath - that would mean no bubbles. Same applies, if you get my meaning.
Perhaps you can put an additional plastic cover on the external grid, if you have one, to mask the bubbles, as a quick solution.


Answered 18th Feb 2020

Change ur drain grill to a larger diameter or change your soap products


Answered 18th Feb 2020

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