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What colour fence paint is best for overcoating old dark colour?

I've tried a few dark looking fence paints / stains or whatever you call them and i've been extremely dissapointed with them all,

yesterday i tried Cuprinol Less Mess Fence Care Rustic Brown as the photo on the side of the tin has a nice really DARK brown on it. well, its light orange in the tin and after a coat over my fence the colour vanished underneath the old colour of fence.

The old colour of the fence is a bit lighter then the colour on the tin, so i thought i'd try a bit on unpainted reject piece of fence panel just to check, wtf! how can cuprinol put a photo of a really dark brown on the tin when it dries really light compared to the photo!

谁能推荐一个深棕色的栅栏pai吗nt / stain that i can over paint my fence with, the fence currently looks a kind of teak / dark brown / dark rosewood colour (i'll try upload a photo if the site allows it) so i need a dark colour to go over it.

I have to buy it online as i don't drive and live nowhere near any hardware stores so i can't go in anywhere to ask.

I've been looking at some dark oak colours as they look to be a really dark brown colour on the tins, but now i just dont trust these paint manufacturers so can someone tell me what brand and colour should i use? I want a really dark brown colour, not pale or light brown


2 Answers from MyBuilder Fencers

Best Answer

Hi there, what I find works best is to use something that is not a thin oil based paint or "varnish" so to speak. To allow the colour to cover up the older cover you need to be looking at using a thicker paint based product. If you open the tin and it looks very watery it probably won't work.

My recommendations would be RONSEAL ONE COAT FENCELIFE DARK OAK 9L We used this with a customer recently and purchased a fencing roller and really put a god solid coating of it on.

Worked a treat and very happy customer.

Cornish Landscaper


Answered 20th Aug 2014

You need to put on multiple coats to get the desiered color with that paint compared to other "one coat" products but I find you do get better protection this way.


Answered 10th Sep 2018

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