


  1. 防潮
  2. 浴室配件
  3. 中央供暖系统
  4. 修复和翻新
  5. 木工
  6. 地毯和利诺
  7. 绘画和装饰
  8. 厨房配件
  9. 装饰
  10. 石雕
  11. 重嵌


我们不只是一个建筑,我们爱一个建筑。你必须关心工作。我们之间有超过40年的贸易。我的家伙是高度训练有素和熟练在上市的建筑工作。夏天天气是石灰塑造檐口或手建房子或一个更现代的扩展,我们把同样的热血、汗水和眼泪到它每一次。看到我们的照片是你自己,你最欢迎来检查我们。我们之前的客户会很高兴聊天。我们有合格的木工、木匠、泥水匠、画家和设计师,石匠,地毯装配工、水管工。我们甚至可以提供windows和音乐学院。我们不是一个唯一的交易员可以提供更多。 So if you have more than one job to do, why contact 20 tradesmen and try to pick the right ones, just contact one and i will make it all happen for you. One contract, one person to talk to, One bill. And then one great guaranteed job completed. We have everything you need to take your project from Start to finish under one umbrella. Its only a single message or phone call. Your not obligated to take our price. I cannot compete with some of the sole traders, but what i can compete with is piece of mind and quality of our work. We will come back if your not happy, we will take the time to walk through the job. And we are at the end of the phone every day of the week. We work with English heritage, listed building control, National trust, Tregothnan estate, and local authority. Once you have us on board, we do all the running around for you. Well i do.... give us call at the least we will both meet someone new and have a nice chat.




