

  • gas安全证书或服务锅炉
  • 气型:天然气
  • 家产


需要锅炉维修 安全检查烟雾 从锅炉顶部松出 车库内The day after I noticed the flue had come away from the top of the boiler inside my garage, He came back that night and fixed the flue back on boiler, said it was because when the boiler was fitted the lead on outside garage roof was on a lower tile which caused the leak and he had to put the lead on a higher tile., this has stopped the roof leaking and flue is ok inside garage for now but I would like a check to make sure the boiler flue is safe , the roofer said i my need a longer flue now that lead is on higher tile.Worcester复合锅炉



锅炉服务运行良好并返回修复烟雾.然后送房顶检查房顶似乎所有工作都比以前修复流水线,不再有漏水前台接通了我的电话 帮助很大