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Replacing storage heaters with underfloor heating


Last year I bought a one bedroom flat which only has electric. The heating in the bedroom is an electric heater which I am happy with, however the rest of the flat contains 3 storage heaters. I work away during the week so coming home and waiting around 12 hours for the storage heaters to heat up was not acceptable. Also, the heaters take up a lot of space in an already small flat.

I have already posted a job looking for someone to remove the storage heaters. I am interested in the option of installing underfloor electric heating instead of electric heaters as this would provide more space.

Is this a viable option? If not, what are the best electric heaters and why as I see different recommendations everywhere?!


3 Answers from MyBuilder Electricians

Best Answer

Hi Sara, I wouldn't recommend electric underfloor heating in your current situation, although you will have extra space, you will still suffer with a delay in the reheat of your property.

Underfloor heating is designed to maintain a more constant temperature over a long period of time, if you work away during the week then it sounds as though you need more instant heat.

I appreciate that the storage heaters take up a lot of room and not only that are massively inefficient. I would recommend either electric convector heaters of a central heating system which which is heated by an electric boiler.

Depends on your property layout and current electrical installation. I hope this help you.


Answered 4th Jul 2017

Apart from underfloor heating, you have two other options:

1. Have the storage heaters removed and replaced with panel convector heaters. I would highly recommend the Stiebel Eltron range:

An electrician could move the circuits for the existing storage heaters from the off-peak supply and connect them to the general supply so that you can switch your heaters on and off whenever you please 24/7/365.

2. Your second option is an electric combi-boiler. This system looks like, and ultimately does exactly what a gas boiler does ..... supplies hot water to radiators throughout your home. The installation costs of this system could be prohibitive though, as you will require the services of a plumber or heating engineer as well as an electrician. Option one would definitely be the cheaper of the two.


Answered 5th Jul 2017

hi sara,
I wouldn't recommend electric underfloor heating in all is expensive to run and if the element breaks down you have no heating at could go for a panel heater in the bedroom as you can get them with timers on but would need storage heaters in other rooms.i would recommend looking in to electric boiler so you would have radiators.hope this helps.


Answered 4th Jul 2017

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