Rebuild garden stone steps, garden wall, paving - Bricklaying job in Bath, Avon


  • Build steps


We need some garden stone steps rebuilt and the small retaining wall to the side. We would like to add a couple of steps and to get some stone paving but down on the garden parth.



The work was carried out to a poor standard, i had to get him back to re-do it as the steps he built were uneven and dangerous. They also dumped the old cement in our flower bed and tried to cover it up with leaves!!


* The work was completed to a high standard
* All we saw of alfred throughout, was every morning on his way to work he would drag his electric bicycle over the path and steps we were in the process of building, even though we advised him politely against it, I don’t think he took kindly to this.
*It really is a shame as alfreds wife is such a lovely lady who we really got on well with, she even baked for us. She was very embarrassed by alfreds actions.
*alfred messaged the day after completion, he wasn’t happy with the steps he wanted around 20mm so 2cm off of each one.
* We finished early that day and headed over to meet alfred, we listened to what he wanted and proceeded to remove the lovely Indian sandstone steps and arranged to come back the next morning to re-do it for him.
* We postponed our next job, luckily a really nice customer who was very understanding and re did the steps to alfreds exact measurements.
* alfred msg that evening saying how he was now happy with them. I have the msg if anyone would like to see.
* Great, another happy customer, i sent alfred his invoice. He then proceeded to take an abnormal amount of time to make payment.
* All I have to say about his ridiculous flower bed accusations is maybe he has upset another tradesman recently as we would certainly not lower ourselves to this.
* Please read the rest of my/our reviews and make your own mind up.
* Please also read alfreds previous reviews as he has a history of these spiteful actions.
